What is the appropriate greeting for tax day? I don't think "Happy Tax Day" or "Merry Tax Day" sound very appropriate. or even "Have a great Tax day", "Felice Tax Day" Nope those just seem wrong... I think it should be "Whatever... it's tax day" Life never stops changing, and this "tax day" has proven this true once again.
Each year we've always gotten a check in the mail or better yet, deposited straight to our checking account. Not this year... we are getting a refund... BUT we reluctantly checked that box that says "apply to my 2008 taxes." I always saw that box and thought that it seemed silly to check it... I thought "oh heck no, I don't want the government keeping my money for a whole year extra" Well, see, there ya go, life changes. James is working mostly contract work and we either apply this refund to our next year's tax bill or face some penalties for not paying uncle Sam this year...no happy refund for us...
"whatever...it's tax day"