So on that note, I am in desperate need of some new to me threads too. DC does not sell clothes for non-pregnant mommies, so wanting to be thrifty and not pay retail I decided to check out a local thrift store. (Hey it's almost Earth Day, why not try some recycled clothes!)The last time I was in a thrift store I was looking for a costume for a play 14 years ago. Why did I not think of this sooner! Here I am with my new to me jeans... they were $1.99. They sell used on eBay for $15. Oh and the T-shirt I got for working Divine Consign it says "Retail is for suckers"
On my trip to the thrift store I picked up 2 pairs of jeans 4 pairs of shorts 2 capri's for me, 5 pairs of shorts for Natalie and 2 pairs of shorts for my husband. All in great shape, mostly name brands, for a total of $40! RETAIL IS FOR SUCKERS!