Did you know that October is Pastor appreciation month? Well guess what it surely is... most pastors know this fact, but most won't say anything to anyone and just wait patiently for the sheep they are charged with to know this and then act on this knowledge...
I wanted to take a moment to show appreciation for the most influential pastor I've ever known.. this man is a true man of character, following Christ and leading his "sheep" after the good shepherd. He loves his flock, teaches, admonishes when needed, encourages, loves graciously, gives to them sacrificially on a very regular basis. He points them to Christ by his actions, being quick to forgive and never hesitant to ask for forgiveness...this man teaches his flock through words and example daily.
He is ever on watch for wolves that would sneak in, he is quick to defend and protect his sheep. His love for and devotion to his flock is apparent to all who know him.
James you pastor our home and we are so grateful of your faithfulness. We love you and appreciate you, the pastor of our home! Thank you for following Christ and leading us.
Love you!